As instructed by Linda Baker – Standing Stone Accounting, LLC
Type of Business -
Money -
Data -
Progression of Business -
The Work -
The Heartbeat -
Annual Reports:
All states except AL and OH require an Annual Report Filing. A Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) is required to file an Annual Report, also known as a Statement of Information with the secretary of state’s office annually. This information is required by the state so that they can keep up to date with the company’s vital information. Most states will require you to submit information about the company’s business activity including information about directors and officers of the corporation and the registered agent and registered office of the corporation. In most states, there is a small filing fee associated with this filing.
If your state requires you to file this report, there is a specific due date upon which the form must be filed by each year to keep your company in order to maintain corporate compliance with the state. Scheduled filings vary by state; failure to submit this filing with the requested information in a timely manner by the requested deadline may result in the assessment of penalties and late fees by your state. In addition, your newly formed company may also be subject to suspension and/or dissolution.
Free Starting a Business Checklist from CorpNet -
Free Resources to start your business -
Click this link to get help with business formation services like state name search, licensing, Federal EIN & State ID’s. Experts in every state to help you be compliant with your industry. Highly recommended source :